Friday, February 27, 2015

Five on Friday: Second Edition

Linking up with ChristinaAprilNatasha, and Darci for another five on Friday post.

1. I have my glucose test this morning and am super anxious about it! I have been a little worried about this test from my beginning because Gestional Diabetes is definitely something I do not want! 

not looking forward to drinking this :/

2. We are heading to Nashville for my first baby shower right after Z gets off work this afternoon! I love spending time with my family and cherish each and every moment with them even more now knowing that in less than 3 months the dynamics will drastically change. I cannot wait to see all my friends and family this Sunday and celebrate sweet baby Barrett Upton!

3. Last week I was in charge of bringing snacks to our Connect Group so I decided to make these cute little mini pizzas. Let me tell you these were a HIT. Who doesn't love a bite size pizza! They are super super easy and take NO time to make! Below is the recipe so you can try it out :)

4. I am dying to purchase one of these sweet swaddle blankets for baby B BUT I just can't pull the trigger on the $74 price tag when I know that could buy enough diapers for about a month. Aren't they sooo sweet though!


5. I am finishing up the Downton Abbey series and have decided that I am not going to start a new TV series instead I am going to start a book series. Does anyone have any suggestions on a good book series? I am not super picky when it comes to the type of books I read so any suggestions are welcome!

Mini Pizza Bites:

Ingredients needed:
Flour tortillas 
Pizza Sauce
Mozzarella cheese
Shredded Parmesan cheese 
Mini pepperonis

Preheat oven to 425 degrees and lightly spray your muffin with nonstick spray.
Cut flour tortilla using either a round cookie cutter or if you are like me you can use the bottom of a vegetable can (Note- each tortilla will make about 4 round circles).
Place the cut outs in the bottom of the muffin pan.
Scoop one spoonful of pizza sauce in the bottom of the flour tortilla.
Add mozzarella and Parmesan cheese.
Top with 4-5 mini pepperonis (or any other pizza topping you would like).
Bake in oven for 10-12 minutes or until the tortilla is golden brown.
Enjoy :)



  1. Yay I tried it this week too! Have fun at your first baby shower!!

  2. Stopping by from the link-up. The pizzas look delish! I have an early (20 weeks) glucose test today so I'm right there with you. I'll also have to do it again at 27 weeks :( I passed it with my first pregnancy and I'm hoping to be able to do the same this time. Good luck!

  3. Hope everything goes well with your testing. The mini pizzas look so yummy :) Happy weekend!!
    Chelsea @

  4. Hope you enjoyed your baby shower!! So exciting! Have a lovely weekend! :)
