Monday, August 10, 2015

Barrett Upton {Two Months}

Baby Bear,

Month two has been filled with many ups and downs, but we are finally figuring each other out and I am starting to notice your sweet personality. Your sweet smiled lights up the room and mama and daddy can't get enough of it. You are your mama and daddy's pride and joy, we love showing you off any chance we get! We are so lucky to be your parents and we love you so very much!


Month 2 highlights:
Stats: weight- 11 lbs 4 oz. (44%) height- 23.75 inches (69%) you're still pretty lanky. Size 1 diapers and can still fit into newborn clothing but are mostly wearing 0-3 month because you are soooo long! 
You are still being exclusively breastfed and are doing so well! You are still going 2-3 hours in between feedings and will sometimes stretch it to 4 hours during the night.
We celebrated your first Fourth of July at Grammy and Pawpaws. 
We started you on a daytime and bedtime routine. The over night sleep routine still needs some fine tuning but that will come with time :)
Sleeping is not your favorite thing, you tend to fight it at any chance you get.
You slept in your crib at night for the first time on July 11th (at 8 weeks old!)
You love your nighttime routine which consists of a bath, story time, and night time prayers. This is probably my favorite time of the day. We keep all the lights off (except a small lamp) after bath time and just sit and spend quality mama/baby bear time in your nursery.
You took your first beach trip to SanDestin! The beach with a six week old is a lot harder than I thought it would be, especially with this summer's hot temps!
You have learned to smile and are constantly smiling whenever someone talks to you! It is the best thing in the whole world! We love to watch your little eyes light up and your 2 huge dimples pop up!! Sweetest thing :)
We celebrated daddy on his very first Father's Day! And we also celebrated your Grammy's birthday!
You gave us a little scare on 7/6/15 with a little fever that ended up with your first overnight hospital stay. Luckily it must have just been a virus and everything cleared up the next day!
You visited Daddy at his office and slept the entire time. Daddy loved showing you off to all his coworkers.
Your facial expressions are still top notch, you definitely get that from your mama!
You love tummy time and laying on your playmat!
Nicknames- baby B, B, baby Barrett, baby bear, boo beary cakes (Mimi)

Photo dump of month 2
Smiley baby

Grammy's birthday

Father's Day

Visiting daddy at work.

"I don't know about this whole sleeping in my crib idea"

SanDestin pictures

First beach picture

Bath time

Hospital visits are no fun! We are so thankful our sweet B is healthy!!

Happy baby

And of course the #judgybaby look

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